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China Soft Capital and Huashe Wealth Jointly Launch the “New Economy & New Allocations Fund”

Browse:635Times | latest update:2016-09-01

On August 28th, the 2016 Huashe Wealth Mid-Year Strategy Conference was held in Shanghai. Participating experts and scholars discussed the hot topic of “asset allocation in the declining interest rate environment.” During the conference, Huashe Wealth and CSC jointly introduced the “New Economy & New Allocations Investment Fund,” a wealth management product that adopts a pluralistic and diversified philosophy, and provide ideal returns to investors under the economic new normal.   Chairman of Huashe Wealth – Jiang Weiyan thinks that, under the backdrop of economic downturn and declining returns, it is very difficult for singular standard products to achieve 10% annual return. For wealth management institutions, an important subject is to help change investor thinking, and make diverse and pluralistic asset allocations.   Jiang Weiyan says that under the guidance of such needs, Huashe Wealth and CSC spent considerable efforts and ultimately formed an investment fund with a whole new philosophy, which helps investors make more holistic asset allocations.   CSC Chairman Wang Guangyu said that, “Since founding in 2008, CSC has managed over ten funds. The new fund jointly set up with Huashe is different from traditional PE investment funds in 2 major ways: first, we hope that under the new normal of declining interest rates, the fund can have flexible allocations; we will continue to focus on new generation of IT, advanced manufacturing and energy saving and eco-friendly sectors, and work with listed companies closely to drive mergers and restructurings within the industry chains; at the same time we will extract opportunities in the secondary market and the market between primary and secondary, and actively participate in additional stock issuances and auctions; we will also closely follow new policy-driven investment opportunities, such as SOE hybrid reforms, acquisitions of new 3rd board companies; and communicate with regulators, search for opportunities among crisis industries under suitable circumstances. Second, we emphasize on the daily operations of this fund, and plan to use quantitative hedging and other high liquidity methods to enhance the overall fund returns. These mark the major differences between our fund and other PE funds.”